Harvest Tabernacle Bible Church
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Sunday School
Sunday Service
Wednesday Bible Study

Harvest is a bible based Church. This is where God is, where love is, where maturity happens!
What does Harvest believe about Scripture?
We believe the entire Bible is the inspired Word of God and that men were moved by the Spirit to write words of Scripture. Therefore, the Bible is without error.
2 Tim 3:16-17
What does Harvest believe about God?
We believe in one God who exists in three distinct persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). We believe that Jesus Christ is the second member of the Trinity (the Son of God) who became flesh to reveal God to man and to become the Savior of the lost world.
Colossians 1:15-17
What does Harvest believe about mankind?
We believe that man was created in the image of God to have fellowship with Him, but became alienated from that relationship through sinful disobedience. As a result, man is totally incapable of coming back into a right relationship with God by his own effort.
John 14:6
What does Harvest believe about salvation?
We believe that the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross provides the sole basis for the forgiveness of sins. Therefore, salvation only occurs when a person places his faith in the death and resurrection of Christ as the sufficient payment for his sin.
Hebrews 9:22 & Roman 4:20-25
What does Harvest believe about the Christian life?
We believe that every Christian should live for Christ and not for himself. By obedience to the Word and daily yielding to the Spirit, every believer will mature and become conformed to the image of Christ.
1 Thessalonians 4:1-2
What does Harvest believe about the church?
We believe that the church is the body of Christ of which Jesus Christ is the Head. The members are those who have trusted by faith the finished work of Christ. The purpose of the church is to glorify God by loving Him and by making Him known to a lost world.
Romans 10:17 & Acts 9:31

Did you know that you can know God on a personal basis? Did you know that He wants to know you? This relationship comes when you are willing to exchange your life for the life God created you to have!
How do I move towards this relationship?
ADMIT – Admit you need God in your life. Have you come to the place where you see that this life has to be about something bigger than you? Do you realize that even at your best, you would never be good enough for God? The Bible tells us that our sin separates us from God. Romans 3:23 tells us that “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” We all have a need only God can fill and once you admit that, you can begin your personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
BELIEVE – Believe that Jesus can fill that need in your life. God knew we could never reach Him with our own strength so He sent His Son, Jesus to die in our place so that we would be with Him. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father but by Me.” (John 14:6) The only One that can fill that need that you have is Jesus.
CONFESS – Confess that you need Jesus in your life. Romans 10:9 says that, if we will “confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” When you make this confession to God, He makes the exchange for you. You literally exchange death; a life without God, for life; life with God here and in eternity!
If you are ready to make that exchange, then pray this prayer to God.
“Dear God, I need you and I cannot do it without you. I admit that I am lacking, unworthy of a true relationship with You, and I have missed the mark in my life. I believe that you sent Your Son Jesus Christ to die in my place so that I can have a relationship with You. I believe that You raised Him from the dead to prove You are God. Come into my heart, Jesus, and be my personal Lord and Savior. Father, thank you for loving me enough to send Your only Son for me. In Jesus name, Amen.”
If you prayed that prayer, please contact us so we can explain to you, your next step on your spiritual journey with God. Contact Pastor D. R. Cook II., for more information.
Wondering what to do once you’ve prayed this prayer…click HERE to see what Next Steps there are.

JESUS – Jesus Christ is the first step on your faith journey. Entering into a relationship with Him enables you to take your next steps with God.
BAPTISM – Baptism is an outward expression of your faith in Jesus Christ. This is the next step after your salvation.
COMMIT – Getting committed as a member of Harvest, gets you familiar with who we are, what we believe, where we’re going, and how you can be a part of it. Bible study, prayer groups and small groups are the best way to find community within Harvest during the week.
VOLUNTEER – Every week, our volunteers give their time and skills to serve others. Greeting, ushering, working with children or students – you can fit in anywhere. We also have opportunities to serve the community around us. Please visit Events to learn of upcoming opportunities.
GROUPS – How do you stay connected to God and other people during the week when you aren’t at church? Auxiliary groups are the best way to find community, build relationships, and experience life change. Become active and make a change at Harvest!

Welcome to Harvest!
At Harvest, our services blend casual, formal, contemporary, and traditional worship. Families, singles, youth, young adults and the young at heart have all found a place to believe and belong at Harvest.
Our services are spirit led and last 90 minutes. Service begins with explosive praise, worship, prayer and giving to prepare your mind, heart, and soul to receive the teaching of the word of God.
Harvest is a place for everyone! Not only do we have our spirit led 90 minute services for adults, but also your children’s spiritual development is very important to us. Our children’s ministry is fun, informative and Christ centered for all youth. They will experience life changing lessons, praise and worship, games and bible illustrations.

If interested in Joining the Harvest Praise and Worship Team, please contact our minister of music Bro. Steve Bartkowski.

The Cabinet of Harvest is designed to facilitate a healthy collaborative communication environment, which enhances learning, execution, and problem solving skills. This Group was developed by Bishop D. R. C. Sr. to serve the church and community by having open discussions on the betterment and strengthening of God’s people.
Upon special request and consideration; methods and techniques on meditation and metaphysics are available to pastors, ministers and leaders. Please use Contact Us for more information.
October 1976 to 2016 (40 years)
Bishop Dr. Donald R. Cook, Sr. was commissioned by God to serve as Pastor/Organizer of Harvest Tabernacle Church, Incorporated, on October 17, 1976. The church was established within the Pueblo Del Rio Project Community, located in East Los Angeles, California. Bishop Cook’s beloved mother; Mother Ardie Mae Cook, was inspired by God to name the church the Harvest Tabernacle Church.
In addition to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to residents here in Los Angeles, CA, and across the United States, Bishop Cook made sure that the hands and arms of Harvest Tabernacle Bible Church reached across the oceans; reaching as far as Sierra Leone, Africa. Bishop Cook previously served as overseer of our sister church in Sierra Leone. The Church has future plans for a school and an orphanage for the children of Sierra Leone, and sites are now being considered in Kenya and Ghana. Five children have received full education scholarships and two water wells have been sponsored through Bishop Cook’s ministry.
In his early years, Dr. Cook attended John C. Fremont High School and was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1994 for his accomplishments in Track & Field. He went on to attend Los Angeles City College, then Grambling State University in Grambling, Louisiana, majoring in Psychology. He continued his studies at American Baptist Theological Seminary in Religious Studies, and received a Bachelor of Arts in Religion and Psychology from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. He received his ministerial license from the Church of God in Christ. He later went on to receive a Master of Arts degree in Religion and Psychology and a Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling from Eula Wesley University in Ruston, Louisiana. He also has a Certificate from the University of Southern California School of Social Work Mental Health Training for Ministers, and has studied at the Bornstein Memory Institute Corp, receiving a Certificate in Memory Training and holds an honorary Doctorate of Divinity from the Los Angeles Bible College and Seminary. Dr. Cook also obtained an honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Bible Believers College and Seminary, located in Hawthorne, California.
Dr. Cook was also a graduate of the Los Angeles Police Department Technical Reserve Police Officer Program and was honored as his graduating class Valedictorian. Bishop Cook served as Los Angeles County Sheriff’s first Black, full-time jail Protestant Chaplain and was a member of Who’s Who in Religion. He was also a Master Mason Prince Hall affiliate for 20 years.
Bishop Cook was known as a master teacher, educator, chaplain, counselor, tutor, musician, arbitrator, ambassador, peacemaker, father of three, brother, friend, and husband to the beautiful Debra R. Cotton-Cook.
Bishop Cook served for 45 years in ministry and 40 years as Organizer and Pastor of Harvest Tabernacle Bible Church.

Join The C.L.U.B.
Christians Learning and Understanding the Bible
At Harvest we grow through Church attendance, Bible study, Sunday school, prayer, fasting, meditation, and time, talents & tithes. A large part of growing in Christ is personally reading and studying your Bible (2 Tim 2:15), which can be confusing and difficult at times. For more information about joining the C.L.U.B. click Here.
Club meets every Sunday at 8:15 am and again on Wednesday’s at 6:00 pm.
Children and Youth Ministry
Pre-School Ministry (Pre K)
The Pre-School Ministry’s goal is to love and nurture our pre kinder children during Harvest service hours in a safe and secure environment under the care of certified nurses.
Children’s Ministry (K-6th Grade)
The Children’s Ministry’s goal is to train children to worship God in everything; treat others with respect and know themselves by understanding who God is.
Y.E.A.H! Ministry (7th & 8th Grade)
The Y.E.A.H! Ministry of Harvest exists to help empower our youth to grow in Christ through studying God’s word, applying His word to real life situations and sharing His word with others.
S.T.R.I.V.E Ministry (9th -12th Grade)
The S.T.R.I.V.E Ministry of Harvest exists to aid young adolescents to grow in Christ through studying, applying, and sharing God’s word daily.

November 2016 to Present
Dr. Donald R. Cook II; affectionately known as Pastor Donald, has been serving in ministry for 11 years and has served as lead pastor of Harvest Tabernacle Bible Church for the past six years. Starting his service under the direction and leadership of his father, Bishop Donald R. Cook, Sr., and mother Debra R. Cook; God, family and education were instilled in him at an early age.
At the age of 12, Pastor Donald, became the only minority to be selected as a Young Ambassador to Berlin, Germany, where Helmut Josef Michael Hohl was both Chancellor of Germany and Chairman of the Christian Democratic Union. This trip served as an introduction of international travel to young Pastor Donald.
Pastor Donald, attended Junipero Serra High School in Gardena, California, a Catholic faith based institution, where he learned about Baptism and Communion from Cardinal Roger M. Mahony, now Cardinal-Archbishop Emeritus of Los Angeles. Also while at Serra, Pastor Donald was a student athlete, maintaining a 3.82 GPA while serving on the Spiritual Life Team and participating on the cross country team where he was All CIF in 2001, the track & field team where he was All CIF in the 100m hurdles and 300m hurdles. In 2002, Pastor Donald was a contributing member of the team that won a State title.
After graduating from Serra with honors and as a State Champion, Pastor Donald, attended Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, on a full Track & Field scholarship. He continued his academic achievements by completing the Morehouse College Pre-Freshman Summer Program (PSP) in the summer of ‘02, received the PSP Achievement Award ’02, the PSP English Award ’02, and was the program’s Social Coordinator from 2003-2006. While an undergraduate, not only was Pastor Cook II a Chapel Assistant under the leadership of Dean of the Chapel Office of Student Services, Lawrence Edward Carter, but also served as a Morehouse College Assistant Archivist from 2002-2006, where he assisted with day-to-day operations of the College Archivist’s office.
It was at Morehouse College where Pastor Donald was inducted into the Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Society and the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. He graduated in 2006 with his Bachelor degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Management, and was inducted into the Morehouse Board of Preachers in 2014. He continued his graduate education in the Master of Science in Church Management program at the Villanova University School of Business. He has completed three consultation certifications from the Jack Hayford School of Pastoral Nurture, the University of Southern California’s Certificate in Faith Leadership, Princeton University’s Certificate in Theology and Ministry, and Boston University’s Social Justice Certification, where he also served as a Research Fellow.
Pastor Donald completed units at St. Anne’s College, Oxford University’s Summer Exchange Program under the leadership of the Reverend Canon Angela Tilby of Christ Church, and the Reverend Canon Emeritus Dr. Vincent Strudwick of Christ Church. He has also received personal guidance from Pastor Jack Hayford, Founder and Organizer of the Church on the Way in Van Nuys, California, who influenced Pastor Donald in his pursuit to increase his theological training at Oxford University. He went on to continue his Theological and Philosophical Studies on a Doctoral level at Blackfriars Hall, Oxford University, where he was the only American inducted into the GK International Honor Society for his academic work as a two-time Simon A. Simon PIKE Fellow and two-time International Scholar Laureate Recipient of Golden Key.
Before Pastor Donald began pastoring, there were only three college graduates at Harvest Tabernacle Bible Church; upholding his belief in the importance of education, there are now over 30 additional college graduates and ten students currently enrolled in college. Pastor Donald is also a proud Life Member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated and a Life Loyal member of Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fraternity, Pi Chapter. Pastor Donald mentors young people, encouraging their continued pursuit of achievement in education.
Pastor Donald, established the Harvest Seminary, where he teaches ministers who are seeking to develop research techniques and sermon preparation. He has established a non-profit foundation for the church, serving the community through housing development projects. One of his newest tasks is to bring Harvest into the 21st century by including social media as a method to connect to the community and extend Harvest’s reach beyond its walls and beyond Sunday morning service.
In 2016, Pastor Donald, was installed as Senior Pastor of the Harvest Tabernacle Bible Church, a ministry his father Bishop Donald R. Cook Sr. organized 40 years prior.